Wednesday, December 14, 2016

What I've learned from Hamilton

For my last blog I have decided to talk about everything that Hamilton has taught me this semester! First off the thing that strikes me the most is that things are not easy! They will never be easy, but that does not mean that i should ever give up! Take a look at Alexander Hamilton, he went through a hard life, before he was 12 he was an orphan and had almost died, from the same illness that mother died from, but he kept going. Then the person who adopted him shot himself. He had a hard life, but he kept pushing and he did not give up. And I won't either.

The next thing that goes along with not giving up is not giving up my shot. If there is an opportunity take it, don't let it get away from you. Seek out opportunities to thrive and make a name for yourself. Alexander Hamilton also to not ruin my name by publishing the bad things I have done. You would think this would be obvious, but no i learned it from this Musical. 

Last but not least I learned that people can not really be satisfied if they are longing for other humans that they can not have so Im going to stop doing that, and be happy with the people I do have. The people that are around you love you, so do not take them for granted. EVER.

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