Sunday, December 11, 2016

Immigrants They Get the Job Done(spoilers)(Mixtape related)

 Something that "Hamilton" is known for is how the musical talks about Immigrants. The main character, Alexander Hamilton, was intact an immigrant. The opening song states that his home town collected funds and sent him to America. The guy on our $10 bill is an immigrant. The play wants to make it clear that one of our founding fathers was not even from America. Not only was
Hamilton not from America, but neither was Lafayette, one of our greatest generals, who helped win the Revolutionary war, yet he was a Frenchman. They are trying to get rid of the stigma that immigrants are a threat to our country.

Lin Manuel Miranda wants the world to know that immigrants are not going to hurt our country, in fact America would never have been founded if it was not for immigration. America is known as the melting pot, because we were founded as a country that does not judge who you are, what you believe, or where you came from, but now theres bad connotations for certain countries. How are we supposed to be the the melting pot if we do not include all the ingredients, aka all the countries. 

In the new Hamilton mixtape, there is a song about the connotations that are associated with immigration nowadays. the song is called "Immigrants (we get the job done)". It talks a lot about the way immigrants are treated in the country now a days, and how when people say they are taking our jobs, that that phrase is not correct. It also talks about the everyday lives of immigrants and how it is very hard in this country to to the way people view them. Many of the lower jobs are done by people who immigrated here, yet no one wants to do them, so the fact that we say they take our jobs is incorrect. The fact that we even talk about them being worse people is insane. We are all humans, we are all one race... Human Race. 

Lin Manuel Miranda wrote "Hamilton"  to help talk about these types of issues. He does a great job executing the topic, and does a lot to get his message out there, that immigrants are not hurting us. This country was supposed to be a safe place for everyone. It was made for EVERYONE. 

1 comment:

  1. You make some great points. I really like your commentary tying in Miranda's beliefs and motivations behind creating certain aspects of the show; it was a natural fit for the subject material of Hamilton, and it carries through very strongly. I think its subject matter was an obvious choice for a song on the Mixtape, and I love the way it was executed, especially with the verse at the end in Spanish.
