Friday, December 9, 2016

The Hamilton Mixtape-An Open Letter (slightly explicit)

"Sit down John, you fat mother F*****" (Hamilton- "The Adams Administration", Lin Manuel Miranda) One of the the most popular lines in the Hamilton Musical. Many fans have gotten this line printed on T-shirts, phone cases, and even pillows. But what not many fans know is that there was originally an entire rap done by Lin himself to go along with this line, but sadly the show was running to long, so it was cut, due to the fact that you never actually meet John Adams in the musical itself. 

Because the Hamilton cast loves giving it's fans some love, and wonderful surprises, Lin Manuel Miranda once preformed the rap(YOU CAN FIND IT RIGHT HERE when he was not in character.  And because Lin loves his fans so much, he produced the Hamilton Mixtape and released the song with the title"An Open Letter" rapped by Watsky. This was the entire response Hamilton wrote to Adams, which was cut down for the musical to just the one line. When fans, such as myself, heard the song on the mix tape, it made them extremely happy. Not only was it a brand new rap that was only preformed one other time for a very small group of people, but it made sone of the best historical jokes in the play.

One of the greatest digs taken at Adams in the rap was "But you never show up to work Give my regards to Abigail Next time you write about my lack of moral compass At least I do my job up in this rumpus"("An Open Letter", Lin Manuel Miranda). Many people are not aware of the fact that when John Adams was in office, his wife Abigail did a large part in helping make decisions and basically helped him do his job as the president. 

Lin Manuel Miranda really did his research, and he knew his American History when he wrote the play. So thank you, Lin, for not only gifting us with the original musical but with doing so much Extra and giving us the Hamilton Mixtape as well, because we can never get enough Hamilton.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed this song, and this post of a lot of fun facts that I did not know about! I think that at this point, Hamilton was just really fed up with John Adams and he wanted to express his frustration with Adams in a very exaggerated, dramatic scene. Which adds to the play because Miranda portrays Hamilton as this very eccentric, dramatic, arrogant man and by having him say this line in the play just adds to this character.
