First look at this wonderful diversified cast of people f color! They are all amazing and extremely talented human beings, and the creator and Alexander Hamilton himself, Lin Manuel Miranda is always there to stand up for people. If you take a look at his Tony's speech he talked about the attack in Orlando against gay and lesbians and stood up for the. He repeated love is love is love is love over and over and over to show that he stands with everyone and that everyone deserves freedoms and rights.
Also the play itself takes on social issues. For starters the entire play is about an immigrant to was one of our founding fathers. Alexander Hamilton was born in the Caribbean. It also shows Marquis de Lafayette another immigrant from France who was crucial in helping win the revolutionary war. With just two charecters this play proves that that immigrants are not what many Americans think they are.
This also takes on the topic that women can do and be more than just bodies and housewives. The Schuyler sisters are prime examples. They were educated at the time, which not many women were at the time. They were confident and smart women who knew what they were talking about when it came to the revolution. Also the real Eliza Schuyler is the only reason that this play existed. She was the reason that Alexander Hamilton's story was told.
This cast is so amazing and I thank them for everything they do and have done. Because not only do they stand up for everyone no matter who they are, but they brought light to a dark time in the world.