Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Squad Goals (Spoilers)

Lets face it. Alexander Hamilton basically had the greatest squad in the history of ever. These four men basically invented a squad, and set goals for everyone else who wanted to form a squad in the future.

First you have the man himself. ALEXANDER HAMILTON! "A bastard, orphan, immigrant, decorated war vet, united the colonies with more debt" He was literally the first secretary of state. He founded the nationals economic system and even started the coast guard. Our country has so much to thank this man for, and lets face it his writing and rapping was phenomenal. 

Next you have everyone favorite French man, LAFAYETTE! He we was a French immigrant, who and no other reason to help the American colonies other than the fact that he believed in what they stood for. He lead troops to victory, and was possibly one of the greatest fighters on the American side of the war. He also persuaded the French send a bunch of guns and ships to help win the war! He is also one fast rapper, which is impressive as hell!

Third we got HERCULES MULLIGAN, the super cool bad ass of the group. He was a spy for Pete's sake! That is the coolest thing ever. He gained the British trust and than ripped it right out from under them! He was crucial in the success of the American colonies win. He gained insight and secrets that the American colonies needed to win, and let's face it his rap in the song "Battle of Yorktown" gets you super pumped up when you listen to it!

Lastly we have JOHN LAURENS, the cutest of the group. Look at that adorable baby face! The man was by Hamilton's side through it all, he fought hardest for Hamilton, literally taking part in a duel so Hamilton wouldn't lose his job and position. He took the chance of getting shot and dying for Hamilton, his best friend. Their friendship makes me so happy to see.

There you have it the greatest squad in the history of ever! They were the best of friends, amazing fighters, and lets face it a good looking group of guys! 

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Philip Hamilton broke my heart (spoiler)

Philip Hamilton broke my heart. When I first heard Hamilton sing about the love he had for Philip in "Dear Theodosia" I felt a tingly feeling in my stomach. Hamilton knew his son would blow us ass away and man was he right.The minute we met his character in "Take a Break" I fell in love, and not just because Anthony Ramos is possibly the cutest human alive. He was so adorable trying to impress his father with his little rap for his Dad. He wanted to be like his father and give contributions to the world. He wanted to be the best just like his dad.

The line "Gotta be my own man, like my father but bolder" was when I realized Philip was going to break my heart. His father was such a cold man, so bold in fact that he wrote himself into the ground breaking his wife's heart and basically ruined his reputation in the process. The fact tat Philip wanted to be bolder than his dad made me realize that no good outcome could come of it, the foreshadowing was too strong.

Philip was extremely bold and confident in himself, which made him such a lovable character. He knew what he wanted to fight for and he chose his battles, he just chose the wrong battle to fight. He chose the one battle that would end his life and break the hearts of many, including his mother, father, myself, and everyone else who has listened to the song "Blow Us All Away".  The most heart breaking part about Philip's death was seeing Eliza so heart broken AGAIN. She didn't deserve to lose her son the way she did, especially after already having her heart broken by the man she loved most, Alexander Hamilton.

Philip Hamilton you broke my heart, but I will forever love you.

Helpless (spoilers)

Helpless, is Eliza's word. She was HELPLESS when she first saw Hamilton. She was head over heels so in love that he was her everything, this is apparent in the song "Helpless". Angelica was able to see this and realized that Eliza belonged with Hamilton, even if Angelica wouldn't be satisfied with her own life because of it. Hamilton sees this and he wants to make sure she doesn't feel helpless when he is around her because he wants to protect her. She
stayed hopelessly in love with him for the rest of her life. That is the reason she was able to be so hurt by him because she loved him so helplessly. That's why in "Burn" she was burning the letters she didn't want people to know how helpless she still was for him even after he hurt her so badly. Hamilton was her world and helpless was HER word. 

The fact that helpless is so meaningful to Eliza's character and her relationship to Hamilton is why the word choice in "Say No To This" has a huge impact. The word helpless is repeated FIVE different times during this song, but Eliza is nowhere to see in this song except once when he said he said he missed his wife. Maria Reynolds said that she was helpless around her husband, but not in the same way that Eliza was helpless, Maria was helpless because she was being beat up and bullied by him. Hamilton also calls himself helpless and all he had to do was say NO to Maria
instead of cheating on Eliza, the woman who was so helplessly in love with him. This is a huge insult to Eliza, because she was so head over heels for him, actually helpless because she couldn't even stop loving him when she find out about this affair he's been having, but he calls himself helpless because he chose to cheat on his wife. 

"Helpless" is such an amazing song in the play, with amazing music and vocals to go along with the amazing lyrics, that really shows the love for Hamilton that Eliza has, but the word helpless has so much more meaning than just Eliza's love for Alexander. It stands for the betrayal that Alexander Hamilton committed against his wife, and the sadness that Eliza has when she realizes that she is still in love with Hamilton even though she was hurt so bad by him.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Breakups are never easy(spoilers)

We all know that person who doesn't handle breakups well. They are pushy, mean, and aggressive when they realize they are being broken up with. Well i think Lin Manuel Miranda captures that person exactly in "You'll Be Back" sung by the character of King George III.

He fits the description of an abusive boyfriend who refuses to let his significant other(The American Colonies in this case) leave him. He brings up the fact that America depends on him. They can't leave because he supplies them with everything. Well you are wrong George, I guess you do not remember all the boy cots the colonists did. America can break free and it doesn't need you. 

Even though George tries to play the "I'm your protector" card, he also tries to play the victim card, in the sense that he will be heart broken without America. He will go insane (probably because he won't be as rich anymore). He is a manipulative person, who says and does basically everything to try to get his way.

Worst of all King George threatens the colonists with violence. He comes right out and says that he will kill their friends and family if they don't stay with Britain, thus leading to the Revolutionary war. Sorry George, but your people end up getting killed as well. 

Breakups are always hard, but some people take it worse than others. King George takes it extremely bad. I wonder what would happen if a girl tried to break up with George..... It probably would not have gone well for her, or her family, and possibly her entire village. 

Sorry George but America is a strong independent country that doesn't need a Tyrant telling it what to do and how much to pay. If you really wanted to win the war for our love, you should have had a better army!