First you have the man himself. ALEXANDER HAMILTON! "A bastard, orphan, immigrant, decorated war vet, united the colonies with more debt" He was literally the first secretary of state. He founded the nationals economic system and even started the coast guard. Our country has so much to thank this man for, and lets face it his writing and rapping was phenomenal.
Next you have everyone favorite French man, LAFAYETTE! He we was a French immigrant, who and no other reason to help the American colonies other than the fact that he believed in what they stood for. He lead troops to victory, and was possibly one of the greatest fighters on the American side of the war. He also persuaded the French send a bunch of guns and ships to help win the war! He is also one fast rapper, which is impressive as hell!
Third we got HERCULES MULLIGAN, the super cool bad ass of the group. He was a spy for Pete's sake! That is the coolest thing ever. He gained the British trust and than ripped it right out from under them! He was crucial in the success of the American colonies win. He gained insight and secrets that the American colonies needed to win, and let's face it his rap in the song "Battle of Yorktown" gets you super pumped up when you listen to it!
Lastly we have JOHN LAURENS, the cutest of the group. Look at that adorable baby face! The man was by Hamilton's side through it all, he fought hardest for Hamilton, literally taking part in a duel so Hamilton wouldn't lose his job and position. He took the chance of getting shot and dying for Hamilton, his best friend. Their friendship makes me so happy to see.
There you have it the greatest squad in the history of ever! They were the best of friends, amazing fighters, and lets face it a good looking group of guys!